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Blog - RLC Divider

Analog..Love It, or Hate It..Either Way, You Need It!

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I've met a lot of great digital designers.  They can create great circuits, they can embed great code, they can manifest wonderful projects.  They are awesome..until the need for something analog comes into play.  Analog is that monster that people avoid, the 10,000 pound gorilla in the room, the unspeakable hurdle that keeps an engineer up at night.

Schmartboard feels your pain.  We intend to release a family of analog modules.  They are targeted to the following 3 groups:

  1. The digital guy who needs some help on the analog portion of his project
  2. The engineer who is competent with analog but does not want to re-invent the wheel for a project
  3. The instructor who wants tools to teach analog to his students.

We have just released the first two: an RLC Divider Board, and a Level Shifter Board.  We will before the end of the month add an OpAmp Board and an Active Filter Board.  We will then follow up with many more throughout 2016 and beyond. 


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