Schmartboard 8 Bit PIC Microcontroller Development SchmartModule A
This PIC Microcrontroller Development board supports 116 different PIC Microcontrollers. This board is fully populated except for the PIC. You hand solder the PIC using our "EZ" technology, configure the jumpers for you PIC part number and start programming. At a suggested retail of only $15, no other PIC? development board can come close to giving you the flexibility and low cost as this product. This one board supports almost all of the 8 Bit PICs available in a 1.27mm pitch SOIC package type.(see list of supported devices).
The SchmartBoard 8-Bit PIC Microcontroller Development SchmartModule A is the ultimate platform for developing and prototyping with Microchip’s popular 8-bit PIC microcontrollers. This board simplifies the development process, enabling faster prototyping and efficient testing for embedded systems, robotics, and IoT applications.
Whether you’re a beginner exploring microcontroller programming or an experienced engineer developing advanced embedded projects, this SchmartModule provides everything you need for seamless integration and innovation.
Designed for Microchip PIC Microcontrollers:
Tailored for Microchip's versatile 8-bit PIC microcontrollers, making it perfect for learning, prototyping, and deploying applications.
SchmartBoard’s Signature Ease-of-Use:
Built with SchmartBoard’s renowned EZ technology, the board ensures fast and frustration-free soldering, even for intricate components.
Effortless Prototyping:
The board’s layout facilitates quick connections to external components like sensors, actuators, and communication modules, streamlining your design and testing process.
Compact and Flexible Form Factor:
Its compact design makes it easy to incorporate into projects, while offering robust connectivity options for complex applications.
Diverse Application Support:
Ideal for projects ranging from home automation and robotics to IoT systems and industrial automation.
Durable Construction for Repeated Use:
Built to withstand rigorous testing cycles, this development board ensures long-lasting performance and reliability.
This SchmartModule is specifically designed to minimize complexity and maximize productivity for developers working with Microchip's 8-bit PIC microcontrollers. Its user-friendly design and robust features allow engineers, students, and makers to focus on building creative and reliable solutions.
Whether you're developing an industrial controller, a sensor hub, or an automated home appliance, this SchmartBoard helps you transform your ideas into reality with less hassle and more efficiency.
If you're looking for a reliable, easy-to-use, and high-quality development board for 8-bit PIC microcontrollers, the SchmartBoard 8-Bit PIC Microcontroller Development SchmartModule A is your go-to choice. Elevate your prototyping experience and bring your embedded systems projects to life!
Once upon a time it was easy to prototype a circuit by hand soldering components on to a prototyping board, using wire wrap techniques or a breadboard. Today, our advanced electronics require the use of small and tight pitched components. It’s made it almost impossible to prototype. Schmartboard, and only Schmartboard, has solved this conundrum. Never before has it been so easy to hand solder surface mount components. Only Schmartboard has a patented technology that makes this possible. "Schmartboard|ez" makes it easy to solder SOIC, QFP, QFN and other component packages with pitches as small as .4mm.
Schmartboard's also connect together. Schmartboard allows you to wire up multiple Schmartboard and then mechanically connect them via our "SchmartBridges". Schmartboard's "Electronic Circuit Building Block" patented technology makes it easier to create and trouble-shoot your circuit. Rather than trouble-shooting an issue on a large and complicated messy circuit, why not build and test smaller circuit blocks and then connect them together to form your larger final circuit. This saves time and money and is only available from Schmartboard.
8 Bit PIC A Instructions
8 Bit PIC A Schematic
8 Bit PIC A Supported Devices
8 Bit PIC A Configuration
8 Bit PIC A Board Dimensions
8 Bit PIC A Bill of Materials
8 Bit PIC A Setup