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T​witter...better late than never!?


Twitter_logo_s There is so much technology out there to support users of any product or service. Over the past years, we have created this blog, a YouTube Channel, a Faebook Page, a Flickr page, and some other items we have most likely forgot about. Being in Silicon Valley and going to networking events on a regular basis, you are bombarded with all of the newest technology and geekspeak. Twitter came onto my radar over a year ago. For those who are not aware, One can update people with a few words or a couple sentences and subscribers will receive it as a text message if they are subscribed to that feed. I was at an event with Guy Kawasaki as the keynote speaker last night and he again spoke about Twitter. By the way, I recommend Guy's new book, Reality Check very highly. I advocate his advice and use it regularly.

I woke up this morning and took the plunge. I now have a Twitter account and will update people of new news. Currently I am speaking to myself. As a test, I posted a message..and I can see how it would be addicting. If you do have any interest, go to our Twitter page and sign up. Day 1 is kind of embarrassing as I have no subscribers...kind of like being the last kid chosen for the baseball team in gym.


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