Posted on Feb 25th 2008
As a child, did you use color by numbers or paint by numbers? If you had the basic skill of painting or coloring within the lines you could make pretty good art. Well, what if basic soldering skills allowed you to create a masterpiece? SchmartBoard will soon officially announce Solder By Numbers. We have created a new concept called SchmartSchematics that use a color and number system to show you exactly where to solder components on SchmartBoards to create a particular circuit. While their are hobby kits out there, they do not allow you to Use SMT parts. They also are not much of a challenge...all the correct parts have an exact number of holes to use. Take a peak at the newSchmartSchematicsprogram and let me know what you think. We plan to have many more circuits up soon. We alsowillhave a program for SchmartDevelopers to be able to upload circuits in a similar manner.