Posted on Jan 24th 2008
While I watch the US election wars on TV and shake my head, I kind of chuckle. While Hillary and Bill gang up on Barak, and Mitt says that John is not conservative and Rudy makes his stand in Florida, and Fred just says the heck with it and drops out, the rest of us wait to see what eventually pans out. Internally at SchmartBoard, we are debating which person will win the Schmarties. We have our short-list and will soon be able to make an announcement. Happily, we are a lot more civil than the presidential elections. Although it would be kind of fun to make half true TV commercials such as "one of our engineers voted against using a less expensive component" and "is responsible for pork barrel spending for upgrading his soldering iron". Stay tuned....I think it is going to get interesting...the Schmartie primaries are almost over and someone is going to walk away with $1000.