Posted on May 22nd 2008
One of our Partners, Servo Magazine has just asked us to join them at RoBoGames in San Francisco next month. According to their website:
"RoboGames is the world's largest open robot competition (even the Guinness Book of World Records says so!) We invite the best minds from around the world to compete in over 70 different events. Combat robots, walking humanoids, soccer bots, sumo bots, and even androids that do kung-fu. Some robots are autonomous, some are remote controlled - but they're all cool! As an open event, anyone can compete - this means you. This is the only event in the world that both Geeks and Jocks agree on: The Best Ten North American Geek Fests - Wired Magazine SportCenter's Top Ten - ESPN SportsCenter"
So if you are around San Francisco as a local or visitor take a walk over and see what's happening. We'll be demoing "EZ" soldering and talking about our future plans with Solder By Numbers. It should be fun...or at least interesting!