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Opportunity Knocks


You never really know which products are going to take off. We are a small and nimble company, who can not afford the time or expense of major marketing studies. We use commons sense and some user surveys to determine what our customer base needs.

We have been looking at the embedded market for some time. We generally avoid, "Me Too" products. If we don't add value, it does not make sense to us. We will soon have our first product for this market. We will have a development board for 8 bit PIC processors. The value add is that it can work with over 100 different PIC part numbers. The user just solders the PIC on using our EZ solder technology. The rest of the board is populated with the needed parts.

The real value though, maybe to distributors. Distributors certainly need to manage their inventory. In offering a product that works with over 100 processors, they significantly reduce inventory risk. I think they are seeing the vlaue. We have signed a new distributor in the US and Germany. We are talking to distributors in Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK, Austria, Japan, Croatia, Spain and the Netherlands. All of whom are interested in our whole line, but especially this new product.

We will follow this up with 16 and 32 bit versionas, as well as development boards for other brands of microprocessors.

Sometimes, you get lucky!


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