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Gobble Gobble


Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving -Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in America. Thanksgiving generally comemerates the sharing of the harvest by the native people with the newly arrived Europeans to the new world. It is a time that we remember and celerbrate all that we have to be thankful for with friends and neighbors. With that in mind, I would like to say that I am thankful to all of our customers worldwide, who continully make our days pleasureable by communicating with us and supporting us by buying our product.

Pilgrim_web_2Thanksgiving is also a time to give back. We feel blessed because so many of our users tell us that our product does open up doors for them that were not available previously. We have some big plans to make electronics available to more people than ever in the near future. We will help educate people about electronics. Education creates opportunities. Opportunities create happy, thankful, people. Thankful people give back to society. Happy Thanksgiving from SchmartBoard!


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