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Announcing the 2nd Annual Schmartie Winners


Announcing the 2nd Annual Schmartie Winners!!!

Schmartie Award participants, as a part of the SchmartDeveloper program, posted electronic circuit designs with a bill of materials that included the correct SchmartBoards (prototype boards) to the company's "SchmartDeveloper" website.The grand prize winner receives a $1000 cash prize, and SchmartBoard will manufacture and market a SchmartModule product with the winners name on it. In addition, the winner will receive a commission on each of these product sold.

The circuits, and information about the winners and other applicants can be found at www.schmartdeveloper.org. The winners of the contest are:

Grand Prize- Giannis Kedros of Thessaloniki, Greece - Wins the grand prize (see above) for his Serial to USB Module

2nd Prize- Charles Wenzel of Austin, TX USA wins a DSO8502 500Mhz Digital Oscilloscope from Link Instruments for his Low Jitter Quadrature Clock

3rd Prize- John Day of Toronto, ON Canada wins a Weller WD1002 Soldering Station from Cooper Tools for his USB to Serial and 12C Module

Honorable Mention - Daniel F. Ramirez of Amherst, NH USA wins a Parallax Boe-Bot for his Schmart DC Motor Controller

Honorable Mention- Russell Pead of Littleton, MA USA wins a Parallax Boe-Bot for his TTL Test Board

Honorable Mention- Robert Gatt of Port Fairy VIC, Australia wins a Parallax Boe-Bot for his IR Proximity Detector

The criteria used to choose the winners were originality, how well SchmartBoard technology was used in the design, how useful the design is in the real world and marketability of the design.

Co-sponsors of the contest were Nuts & Volts Magazine, Servo Magazine, Cooper Tools, Link Instruments, Jameco Electronics, Mouser Electronics, Fry's Electronics, Circuit Specialists, Intellect Lab, Parallax and RB Technology.


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