Posted on Apr 6th 2016
Schmartboard has again hosted electrical engineering students from Fremont's Ohlone College. Schmartboard's facility and personnel are employed in helping teach the labs for the introductory courses. The students start by using Through Hole and then move into surface mount by the end of the course.
I've met a lot of great digital designers. They can create great circuits, they can embed great code, they can manifest wonderful projects. They are awesome..until the need for something analog comes into play. Analog is that monster that people avoid, the 10,000 pound gorilla in the room, the unspeakable hurdle that keeps an engineer [...]
We have not blogged a lot this year. Partly due to the change in website. We will soon have a new family of products to release. They will be analog modules. Many engineers and DIYers know digital...very well. Analog alternatively is a strange planet where the rules of nature seem to have gone wacko. It [...]
Schmartboard will soon launch a new website. Our current website was built in 2003 and we bandaged it together over the years. Back in 2003 it was state of the it might as well have a rotary dial on it.The new website will have the ability to search for a product number [...]
Schmartboard sells a lot of headers and jumpers. We do for two reasons. First, our jumpers are better quality than many of our competitors who all source the same product through the same Chinese factory. You will find that the male and female receptacles on Schmartboard jumpers are thinner than most on the [...]
We are inundated by bad news, bad statistics, bad ethics, bad manners and bad expectations for the future. Many of us yearn for a time when it seemed like things were more positive, more manageable, more ethical and most importantly more hopeful. Every so often we experience, even if for a few hours, a [...]
Schmartboard has produced some advertising photos that we just call SCHM{ART}. Which is your favorite? Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8
Schmartboard was a co-sponsor in a competition for the Ferriss Project. The competition was entitled Visions of Tomorrowland. As a sponsor, Schmartboard's Neal Greenberg, was also a judge. Criteria for the judging included creativity, artistic, and uniqueness. The judging was split into 3 age groups from very young though high school.Many [...]
Schmartboard's New Bread/Proto Boards’ are laid out exactly like a standard breadboard. Have you ever had to move a circuit to a prototyping board after first laying it out on a breadboard? Not Fun!With these boards you can either remove the parts from a standard 400 or 830 Tie Breadboard one at a time and [...]
Schmartboard is happy to be a sponsor of the Ferriss Project Visions of Tomorrowland. According to the website:Students are asked to address some or all of the following questions:What do you think the world will look like in 2065? What will cars be like? How will humans communicate? What will our major problems be? What [...]