Posted on Oct 26th 2011
The winner of this weeks GreenArray GA144 IC with a SchmartBoard is Manfred Hild of Humboldt University / Informatik in Germany. What will Mr. Hild use his prize for? According to Manfred: "We are using fully distributed architectures to control humanoid robots - not only regarding real-time sensorimotor loops, but also within the context of complex behavior and learning. See for details, especially the paper "Myon: Concepts and Design of a Modular Humanoid Robot Which Can Be Reassembled During Runtime. We plan to investigate the use of GA144 chips for our next generation robots."
SchmartBoard is proud to be involved, even in a little way, towards helping promote progress towards that endeavor.
Have you signed up to win yet? We still have 5 more weeks left to win.