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​ This Week's GreenArrays Winner is: and other factoids.


It is that time of the week. They day that we brighten up someone's day. Each week in October and November, SchmartBoard is giving away a Schmartboard with GreenArrays IC (202-0048-02) to celebrate the partnership of SchmartBoard with GreenArrays. The winner of this illustious prize this week is Per Ljung who works for Nokia in Berkeley CA. It is no surprise that Per states he might use the IC to design a "low power embedded telecommunications device". Congratulations to Per. If you have not sighed up yet, do so now. We still have 8 of these to award.

Facebook for everyone

Yesterday we have a 1 days special for 80% off on our popular 201-0001-01 through hole board. As you can imagine, we sold through several hundred pieces. Because we did not limit this offer, one person purchased 100 pieces and several others purchased 50. They are set for awhile..better than if we were available at Costco and they did not have to stand in line behind people who were stocking up on toilet paper. What? You did not here about the special? You need to become a SchmartBoard Facebook Page Fan to get this special and future specials that will be equally as extreme.


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