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​ Scotty...We need more power!!!


What good is an electronic circuit without power. SchmartBoard announced today the release of six useful single voltage regulated powerSchmartModules, which are designed to offer a quick, easy and inexpensive option for users to power up their circuits. SchmartBoard is similar in approach to software development, but for electronic circuit prototyping.In software, one may design the core code and add popular software blocks around it rather than rewriting code that already exists.

Star trek These SchmartModules are the equivalent of software blocks that an engineer would source and glue to his code. Why redesign or solder a popular circuit block such as RS232 for instance?We now have power and I/O SchmartModules and will be adding many more modules over the coming months

The Regulated Power Modules come in 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5 and 9 volts.The suggested retail price for each is $15. Now you can have more power.


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