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​ SchmartCast



SchmartBoard is this week's subject for the EG3.com podcast. It is available for download at: http://www.eg3.com/etc-awards/20090721-schmartboard.htm

Schmartcast_logo_72dpi It was ironic that SchmartBoard was asked to do this podcast interview. We plan to soon officially announce our own podcast program. For details and the option of an early request to show your SchmartBoard projects on the padcast take a look at: http://www.schmartboard.com/index.asp?page=schmartcast

We have been getting some great input in our request for input on our 4" x 4" though hole board. You still have time to put in your two cents and maybe get a free board when finished and bragging rights to something we have missed: http://www.schmartboard.com/index.asp?page=your_input for more details.


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