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​ Parallax!


710-0005-01 Web Today we have released a new board that is in conjunction with and designed for Parallax. The Propeller SchmartModule board allows users of the Prallax Propeller chip to program the chip. This board is populated with everything except for the Parallax Propeller Chip and the optional Parallax Crystal. You hand solder these parts using SchmartBoard|ez technology which makes soldering easy and flawless(and some headers which are included). The Propeller chip makes it easy to rapidly develop embedded applications.

Parallax is based in Rocklin CA....nearby the Governator in Sacramento. I will be there on Saturday at the Unofficial Propeller Expo West 2009 where we will demonstrate EZ technology to attendees who will receive a new Propeller SchmartModule.

"If you are interested in learning more about the Parallax Propeller, or a die-hard Propeller head, join us at 9:00am for a great time of meeting like minds, sharing ideas and working on projects! Bring your projects to show off, tools to work on collaborative projects, or just come hang out with creative people!

The Expo will continue into the early morning, as Parallax will keep it's doors open all night! Who knows what kind of projects will start around 2:00am! " I hope to see you there!


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