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​ Ich bin ein Berliner


SchmartBoard is planning to authorize a number of distribution partners around the world to make sure that our poduct is available to users outside of the U.S. This has become more important with the advent of Solder By Numbers because once we have a lot of circuits in the Circuit Catalog for purchase, those outside of the US will need a local place to buy SchmartBoards.

We do get orders from overseas and shipping is expensive. If you are not in a country that we currently have representation and you can recommend a good distributor for our product, let us know. We look for smaller distributors with a focus on prototyping. A great example of this is Watterott Electronics in Germany. We have just signed tham and will be sending their initial inventory shortly. If you happen to be in Europe and Germany specifically...check them out.

Who knows...one day i might be able to visit these new distributors......on the company dime!


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