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​ Friday Stuff


Mouser Catalog It's very nice outside on this beautiful Silicon Valley Friday. As I consider my weekend and the fun things that I might see, including the White Sox coming to town to beat the A's, I saw something that many of you might relate to. It made me chuckle. We, like many engineering related companies, get catalogs from Digikey and Mouser. We love Mouser as a supplier of parts and a distributor of our SchmartBoards....but we get way more catalogs from them than we have employees. What is one to do with these extra bulky catalogs of more than 1000 pages? We came up with a solution as you can see in the photo. Mouser now supplies us with fresh air as well as ICs.

SchmartBoard Award August 2009 SchmartBoard won an award for Electronic Circuit Prototyping Boards from the U.S. Commerce Association. This year Intellect Lab, SchmartBoard's sister company, also won for Hardware Design. Not a bad way to end a week.


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