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​ Da' Boards and Other SchmartBoard News


LouMalnatideepdishpizza I was in Chicago for a week. I got my fix of Chicago Pizza and Italian Beef...I should be good for awhile. I also visited Elenco. I was very impressed by the organization. While I have known Jeff Coda, their VP for awhile, until you actually visit someplace you never get a true feeling for how well it is run. We distribute some of their products, our customers are happy with them and based on all of this, we will begin selling some of their other products very soon.

SchmartBoard finally has received a very key patent granted. Patent 7511228 covers our "ez" technology. We are happy to have that done so that we can focus on new inventions.

Speaking of new inventions: We plan to release some new products very soon:

1) Our new 8 Bit PIC developement board will be like most other PIC development boards...with the exception of ours working with almost all 8 Bit SOIC PIC chips. Since users can solder their PIC on the board, 1 board is all we need, while our competitors need over 100 different PIC boards. That is pretty SCHMART..if I do say so myself. We will follow this up with an 8 bit for QFP PICS, then 16 & 32 bit versions.

2) We are partnering with Parallax to create a development board for their Propeller chip. More on this to come soon.

3) Ever try to hand solder a .5mm pitch SMT connector from Molex? Not a pretty picture...a lot of cursing. We have a solution that is better than a bar of soap in your mouth. We will soon release this new line to make soldering SMT connectors easy and flawless.

4) Yikes...you got those expensive PCBs finally and you forgot a capacitor! We will have a solution very soon to resolve reworking PCBs. You'll say "Why didn't I think of that" when you see it!

More to come!!


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